Our Voice for Our Planet
Our goal as a voluntary initiative is creating a NETWORK within the international scene of Choir Music. We intend to do so, to furthermore engage publicly for environmental and climate protection. If you click the heading “Wir sind dabei” you’ll find all choirs, conductors, ensembles and soloists listed, who like to support this common aim by giving it a voice.
Time is pressing …
We are the first generation, which knows about the kind of ecological and climate damage we are causing. And we will be the last generation, who still can choose the appropriate way for keeping our ecosystem alive.
Biological diversity in an intact nature is the basis of all life and the precondition for a future, for our children and grandchildren, worth living. Only if we hold both of these in high esteem, protect them and are careful in dealing with them, we’ll be able to limit the causes of future pandemics.
We are many millions of singers in the choirs of this globe. Our words will make a difference, and together we are strong. We can use our voices for our planet. We can include this cause in all of our concerts, i.e. by singing our first hymn.
Let us try to live with great awareness considering the sustainability of our food and goods production. Let us all take responsibility for this, so that our Earth again can heal and become a place, which we’ll give on with a clear consciousness to the future generations.
Further important contributions to tackle this complex challenge might be supporting both of the world’s greatest environmental organizations Greenpeace and the WWF.
Spread our idea! Work with our logo and give it on! Sing our first hymn in all concerts and festivals and support this dream so that our vision of a better world will reach all human beings via the universal language of music. Surely, composers will create more pro-Earth-songs in the future.
Our team
Martin Winkler
Rosenau 25
63303 Dreieich
Telefon: +49-(0) 61 03 – 31 31 – 1616
E-Mail: info@our-voice-for-our-planet.com
Use the logo
Here you can download the logo. Place it on your website and all printed materials